BID MEETING - IHBG Competitive 5 Rental Homes Project; Invitation Bid Meeting
MOWA Choctaw Housing Authority
IHBG Competitive 5 Rental Homes Project
Invitation Bid Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the MOWA Choctaw Housing Authority (MCHA) is soliciting for sealed bids for Project: RFQ-12-02-2024-001_MCHA 5 Homes Project, New Construction of 5 Homes Project located on the MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians Reservation in McIntosh.
This invitation for Bid is open to selected General Contractors/Home Builders; however, the award shall be made under unrestricted solicitation to the lowest/responsive/responsible bidder
using the “X” Factor tabulation (Indian Preference). The Project will be awarded to one Prime Contractor.
This project includes the new construction of five homes and utility right of way to the home including septic system. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and
incidentals thereto required for completion of the project. A mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be held at the MOWA Choctaw Housing Authority, 1080 A Red Fox Road, Mt. Vernon, AL 36560 on December 16, 2024 (CT). The Request for Information (RFI) Deadline is December 19, 2024, at 2:00 PM (CT). The Project bid documents will be available on December 16, 2024. Bids are due on January 3, 2024, at the MOWA Choctaw Housing Authority by 2:00 PM (CT) at 1080 A Red Fox Road, Mt. Vernon, AL 36560, Attention: Lillie Steiner. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at the MCHA Conference Room immediately following. MCHA reserves the right to reject any or all the bids. The awarding of bids will be pending approval of the MOWA Choctaw Housing Authority.
All bids must be sealed and addressed to the MOWA Choctaw Housing Authority and plainly marked with the Bidder’s name and the Project name. Bids shall be on a Lump Sum basis per the Project documents; segregated bids will not be accepted. The Project Manual and bid documents are made a part of this Invitation for Bid.
For additional information contact James Clarke of Clarkitects P.C. at
MOWA Choctaw Housing Authority
1080 A Red Fox Road, Mt. Vernon, AL 36560